The Swank Website Audit Check List. How Do You Measure Up?


Add a Why our clients love us/need us section.

Showing the problems your clients experience and demonstrating the services you offer and how you fix these issues. With a call to action button to book a call. Make sure you have call-to-action buttons throughout your website, especially if you list your rates. Rate pages can be the place where most of your leads drop off, make sure you’re offering them an invitation of how to move forward and work with you, or how to send an inquiry to book a discovery call. List any special promotions on your rates pages and then have your social links so if they need a bit more time to think about it, you’re providing them with more great accesible resources to take a look at that highlight your expertise.

Can you show up with content that is like you read their minds?

Create a choose-your-own adventure… List three problems your clients have and then three offerings that resolve those problems. Followed my client testimonials providing proof that you aren’t just all talk. but have proven results on how to get the job done.

Do your clients call you a lot?

Some website templates make it difficult to find contact information, customers may have to scroll, or it takes a couple clicks to get to your phone number. Consider also setting up a google business profile to get your business listed so that your clients don’t even need to navigate to your website for business contact info, reviews and appointment booking button. My realtor clients will put their phone number in the header and footer… you might see an increase in bot calls, but perhaps that’s a risk you’d be willing to take to give your clients easy access in case they forget your number?  Also, add the phone number to the instagram “linktree” style page.

Your website needs HUMANs.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE all the illustrations and beautiful branding elements. A real photo of you, your team, and you working with your clients helps new website visitors be like “OK these people are LEGIT.” Adding the testimonials and a few real-life examples… and lots of great blog content with incredible collaborators helps too.

Have someone that doesn’t know you or your business provide constructive criticism.

Friends and family already know you so well and are already #SOLD before they reach your website. I’d be curious how your website engages people that discover you organically.

Remove the social media links from the header…

this can cause unnecessary bounces and reduce your SEO as people might click those links within the first 30 seconds of visiting your pages and bounce. Something to think about if you are seeing a higher-than-expected bounce rate. This risk can also be resolved by having lots of content on your social channels that drive repeat visitation right back to the website. An endless circle of amazing content from you builds trust and demonstrates your authority on the subject matter.

How do you feel about a pop-up opt-in form?

Flodesk makes them pretty easy to create and you can set it so it only displays to non-subscribed folks and only shows up after they’ve scrolled a third of your page. If you’re interested in creating this, book a complimentary discovery call to learn more.

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