3 To-Dos to Optimize your Lead Conversions

Where Are Your Leads Coming From?
I hear it time and time again, especially from my Realtor clients. I don’t need paid advertising, all my clients come from referrals.

…yes a friend-of-a-friend referred your client to you, it’s the #1 way to get clients on board. So they get your name and number, and maybe you have a quick chat… maybe you’ve even convinced them to list or to show up to a viewing…

…and then they go online and do their research.

Are you guilty of using doctor google? I certainly am, and I do the same before any purchase decision. I go online, look at all the options, and read the reviews before making any purchase decision.

So my question about Lead Generation is, what are you doing to make sure that you are still showing up for those new referral leads on channels that properly represent you?

Here are some things I recommend doing:

1. Ask your audience to sign up to receive additional information everywhere and keep all contacts in one tidy and secure place.

You should be asking for this information and recording it in a Client Relationship Management System (CRM). Ask for it on the phone intro call, on an organic social media post, on a paid advertisement, on your website, and in-person especially at open houses that you’re hosting. No one should tour a home that isn’t comfortable with leaving their information with you.

I’ve worked with sales offices that won’t even release any information to clients if they don’t provide their contact information. They ask, if this person doesn’t trust me with their phone number… how are they going to trust me with the biggest investment of their life? Be confident and ask for their contact information and then treat it like the gold it is by protecting that information in a secure CRM and only using it to provide information that they’re interested in receiving. Follow up with confidence, so that when they’re doing their research, you’re also popping in and reminding them why they connected with you in the first place.

Lesson: Do not be afraid to ask for your new leads’ digits. It’s also a really great way to qualify them before investing all your time and effort in a looky-loo. Double-check that it’s ok to send them text messages. I know it’s my preferred method of communication and I read every single one that I receive. My email inbox on the other hand… I can tell you that I have more than 16,000 unread promotional emails in my inbox right now.

2. Invest in Search Engine Optimization, Key Words, and Blog posts.

Make sure you’re showing up organically in places that people go to research listings and showing up for the markets you serve.

(Did you know you can bid and create ads on keywords like homes for sale in Colwood?)

You can also pay to be in these places. We’ve got connections at REW.CA, BuzzBuzz Home, and a Google Ads experts and would love to discuss how you can ensure your leads aren’t deciding to buy or list and then find someone else online.

3. Position yourself as a respected and recognized expert in your field.

Request reviews from your happy clients, showcase your testimonials on all of your marketing channels, invest in branding and targeted advertising, provide useful insights on news articles, and give relevant content that consistently gives your lead a reason to keep thinking of you.

They say it takes 7 touch points before a client recognizes your brand. Investing in these details will keep your leads coming back to you time and time again.

Let’s get you set up for success! Book you personal 3-Hour Digital Content Creation Session for just $545 or join me, Kathryn Pascuzzo, every fourth Tuesday of the month on ZOOM for Digital Marketing Happy Hour at 3:00 PM, you’ll connect with some of the finest online marketing tools, learn how to optimize your time online and save thousands off of your annual marketing ad spends by making quality communications that help connect your clients directly to you. Sign up for our eNewsletter to get all the invites and tips and tricks at

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